Associate Professor
School of Software, Faculty of Computing, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China
New Technology Building,
92 Xida Street, Nangang District, 154001, Harbin, P.R. China
ORCID: 0000-0003-1172-8825
Scopus: 56313668000
ACM Member: 5234493
IEEE Member: 99995722
CCF Member: J5955M
Conf.researchr profile:
Chair of the Conference Activities and Communications subcommittee in IEEE CIS, 2023/2-2024/12
(This subcommittee is responsible for organizing and communicating for academic conferences and events, engaging in various initiatives of CIS and closely collaborating with other committees.)
Member of the Conference Activities and Communications subcommittee in IEEE CIS, 2022
Guest editor of the Special Issue Soft Computing for Uncertain Decision Making. Submission Deadline: 30 June 2023
Member of the Social Media Subcommittee in IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), 2017
(CIS, established in 1999, is a professional association under IEEE. Its primary goal is to advance research and development including artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern recognition and evolutionary computation. It supports several esteemed journals such as TNNLS, TEVC, TCYB, TFS and IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine.)